Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

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Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

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Winter in arosa kosher hotel kosher levin ski hotel in switzerland vacation in the alps, glatt kosher ski kosher winter and summer hotel

By Plane

					Your Holiday starts already at the Airport!
					Go to the Swiss Ticket-desk and ask them for a Green 					Label which costs 20 USD
					Tell them you will be going to Arosa.

Put the Green Tag on your suitcase and proceed to the check-in.
On arrival in Zürich your Case goes direct from the Plane to the train leading to Arosa without you! 
When you arrive at the Levin`s Hotel Metropol in Arosa give the Reception desk the receipts in order for them to bring your suitcase to your room after 8 Working hours of arrival in Zurich Airport.

Hotel Metropol   Switzerland

Hotel Metropol   Switzerland

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